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Another update on Second City Hockey 2.0

First off: thank you.

Whether you clicked on the link or shared the story with friends or took the survey or donated to our cause or did any combination of the above, again: thank you.

Our time with Vox runs out at the end of this month and we will have an internet home afterwards. We’re still working on the details related to that and will provide more information before the month ends. Just know that any way in which any of you interacted with our last update is helping us prepare for this next chapter of the Second City Hockey and, once again, we thank you.

If you missed the last post completely or were still looking for ways to help, the same three options remain on the table:

  1. Take this short survey, which will provide us with demographics on our community that can be shared with potential investors, should that possibility arise.
  2. We have started a GoFundMe to help cover funds associated with the new publishing platform, photo licensing and a long list of other logistical items waiting for us.

3. Keep sharing this post to every corner of the internet

We’re not going anywhere and we’re bringing all of you with us. Feel free to toss in any questions/comments/concerns in the comment section down below or send us an email over at secondcityhockey [at] gmail [dot] com.

And, one more time because we cannot say it enough: thank you.

Talking Points