Already deep in the midst of a candy stupor….
Stop it right there! (previews) [Hawks] [CSN] [On the Forecheck]
Haugh puts it on Stan [Trib]
Hoss is slumping and Emery gets the nod tonight [Daily Herald]
Rogers thinks the Q talk could spark the team. [ESPN]
The boys have his back [Trib]
Sam Joined Laurence Holmes last night [WSCR]
Jones and Milbury talk Hawks [Pro Hockey Talk]
This may quiet the Tuomo Ruutu talk. []
NBC Sports Network is awesome! [Helene Elliott]
Nash moving to the Big Apple? [Puck Daddy]
Mike Comrie retires to his 100s of millions and to tend to the Duff children [TSN]
And finally help is truly on the way! [#99]